We love nature, the mountains & cycling!

The legendary classic is a Green Event!

Sustainability has been an important topic for us for several years now. That's why we decided to organise the 29th Dreiländergiro as a Green Event and get certified.

We love nature, the mountains and cycling! This year, more than ever, we  put our words and your wishes into action.

Together with our partners, we will organise this year's Dreiländergiro as a Green Event. To this end, we arranged the certification as a Green Event Tyrol Basic as a first step.

We attach particular importance to exclusively green partners and sponsors, regional and certified organic products for the catering and sustainable jerseys!

Genauso die Kuchen auf den Verpflegungsstationen - die Eier dafür kommen natürlich auch von Nauderer Hühnern. Die Kuchen im Festzelt backen die "Nauderer Ortsbäuerinnen". Die Pizzaschnitten bäckt die Pizzeria im Nachbarort, und wird dafür extra mit Bio-Mozzarella von uns beliefert, und die Trophäen gestaltet der ehemalige Dreiländergiro-Organisator Karl Mall - natürlich aus regionalem Holz. Unser Trikothersteller kommt zwar nicht aus der Region, dafür produziert Presca Sportswear sogar Klima-positiv! So könnten wir Dir noch zahlreiche weitere Geschichten erzählen!

Your green travel to the Dreiländergiro 2022

You are still thinking about the best way to travel green?

Take a look at the GET carpool exchange.

Your benefits of carpooling:

  •  You contribute to climate and environmental protection
  • You save costs
  • You have good company

Ab 2024 neu - die grüne Anreise wird richtig belohnt: Wenn Du uns deine grüne Anreise nachweisen kannst z.B. anhand Deines Zugtickets oder Nachrichtenverkehr + Fotos eurer Mitfahrgelegenheit dann gibt es für Dich das Dreiländergiro-Ticket 2025 15% günstiger!

Our partner Powerbar is leading the way!

For the Green Event certification, it is particularly important to work with partners who share the same values.

Powerbar, as a long-standing partner, is our pioneer in this regard.

They understood that one can no longer close the eyes to the challenges of today. Their DNA remains the same, but Powerbar has started to question the category of sports nutrition and has established a new understanding.


Their changes:

  • Garden compostable packaging without microplastics
  • From April 2022: New vegan organic protein bars
  • Production of the products from now on without palm oil and colagen

And we're bringing Presca Sportswear on board!

Presca Sportswear is our new partner for your jerseys!

The brand originating from England is the first climate-positive sportswear company in the world.


Presca Sportswear is committed to producing its high-performance sportswear exclusively ethically and sustainably.

The fabrics they use are woven from recycled materials, and all technical garments are made from purely synthetic textiles.

Their Impact:

  • The design: Only recycled fabrics and fibers are used.
  • Production: The manufacturer uses 100% renewable energy and ensures that workers are treated fairly.
  • Packaging: The garments are packed in self-compostable bags.

Together we can achieve more!



We are connected to nature, down-to-earth, tradition-loving and also innovative.

Respect, equality, mutual support and helpfulness are the values that define us as a society!

That's why we will once again be providing financial support to two very special associations this year.

These will be announced shortly.


Our green partners

all i need. - Naturally acitivating tea drinks from Austria

100% natural ingredients and 100% CO2 neutral in production. The naturally invigorating tea-based refreshing drinks.

Riviera - Natural products with the highest standards

A traditional company that develops its products with the highest quality standards. With the highly effective medical products from RIVIERA MED+ give no chance to (sports) injuries!

UVEX Sports

Protection and safety products for your performance on the road!


Functionality, durability, simplicity - your solution for indoor bike storage and bike racks!

Dreiländergiro a Green Event Tirol Basic
Dreiländergiro x Green Event
more Infos >>

Our actions

Nauders as well as the Nauderer Festwiese on which our event takes place each year, is easy to reach and Nauders itself has several accommodation options for you.

In general, we also pay attention to an efficient use of water, electricity and heat.

We would very much appreciate it if you arrive by public transport at best.

  • Arrival by train: Your destination station is Landeck-Zams. From there you can get to Nauders am Reschenpass by post bus or cab.
  • Public transport
  • On the location we offer enough bicycle parking places

In our marquee this year we will only use reusable crockery and cutlery. For the outdoor catering, recyclable disposable tableware and cutlery will be provided. We are also trying to avoid portion packaging for the most part and we will also pay special attention to waste separation.

We are going to mark a garbage area after each refreshment station, where you can dispose your garbage after your snack.

This year, we will also increasingly make sure to have little paper in use. Instead, we are going to provide you with some QR codes that you can use to get various information.

Our give-away products and other cooperation partners likewise have a strong focus on the topic of sustainability.

This year we are working with a caterer that will only use regional and organic certified products. Non-regional products we will add only from FairTrade.

We pay close attention to neutral language in our communications so that we can address all people. In our marquee, we will pay particular attention to accessibility so that there is room for wheelchairs, walkers and baby carriages.

In our marquee we will pay special attention to accessibility, so that there is room for wheelchairs, walkers and baby carriages. For accessibility on the course we are trying to offer the best possible support and ask you to contact us in case of additional needs. Accompanying persons for participants with impairments will of course receive a free starting place. Please send us an email to service@dreilaendergiro.at. If you need a sign language interpreter, we will be happy to provide one. Just click on the link below: Request a sign language interpreter.

Besonderen Wert legen wir auf ausschließlich grüne Partner und Sponsoren, regionale und bio-zertifizierte Produkte bei der Verpflegung und nachhaltige Trikots!


  • Gartenkompostierbare Verpackungen ohne Mikroplastik
  •  neue vegane Bio-Protein-Riegel
  •  Produktion der Produkte erfolgt ab jetzt ohne Palmöl und Kolagen


Presca Sportswear

  • Es werden nur recycelte Stoffe und Fasern verwendet.
  • Produktion: Der Hersteller verwendet 100% erneuerbare Energien und achtet darauf, dass die Arbeiter fair behandelt werden.
  • Verpackung: Die Kleidungsstücke werden in selbst-kompostierbaren Beuteln verpackt.


all i need. - Naturally acitivating tea drinks aus Österreich

  • 100 % natürliche Zutaten und 100% CO2 neutral in der Produktion. Die natürlich belebenden Erfrischungsgetränke auf Teebasis.


Riviera - Naturprodukte mit höchstem Anspruch

  • höchste Qualitätsstandards ihre Produkte
  • hocheffektiven Medizinprodukten von RIVIERA MED+ 


UVEX Sports

  • Schutz und Sicherheitsprodukte für eure Performance auf der Straße



  • Lösung für die Fahrradaufbewahrung in Innenräumen und auf Radträgern
We love nature, the mountains & cycling